I'm going to be 30 tomorrow...
I think birthdays always put me in a reflective state (
as you can see last year here) and I've truly got a lot to be thankful for in this past year. I was warned that 30 was difficult for a lot of people, but so far it's only a number to me. I'm overall just grateful to be here.
Yesterday I had a health scare when I woke up in the middle of the night with my heart pounding out of my chest. It literally woke me up. This has happened to me before, but always in the middle of the day and I've been able to kinda calm it down and stop it within 5-10 minutes. This went on for 45 minutes. I ended up waking Andy up and we went to the Emergency Room where 6 people rushed in, put electrodes on me, put 2 IV's in my arm, and told me there's nothing they can do for me without harming my child. "We can electric shock you, but we have to sedate you and we're not sure if it will harm the baby" or "we can give you drugs that we're not sure will harm the baby" AWESOME!
Soooo I ended up extremely lucky because they tried some holistic things first like ice all over my face and an artery massage. Finally, they gave me a beta blocker in my IV and that did the trick. No electrocution of me or the baby necessary. We went to my OB and baby is doing fine but, also going to a cardiologist today to find out wtf is happening in there. The entire thing feels like a bad dream.....
In some ways, I'll always be a Fullone |
Once again this has made me realize how extremely short and fragile life is. And how many blessings I have. Talk about a wake-up call before a monumental birthday.
So today, I'm counting some of the things I'm grateful for....
My mom had a
horrific accident this year that she has fully recovered from (though she will sometimes talk about her scrambled eggs brain) :) It's more of a joke at this point. I appreciate her with all my heart and the love and friendship we have.
Isn't she cute?! |
My amazing husband. It's so hard to believe that Andy and I have been together for 11 years (what?!) because the time just flies by. I have truly found the tweedle dee to my dum, my best friend and the love of my life. I'm so ready and excited to move onto the next stage of our lives together. I love you!
Oh just hanging out in London.... |
Getting pregnant, which while trying felt like it took forever to finally happen and was stressful, was rewarding and life lessons were definitely learned. Although you think you can control your body, sometimes you can't and it's totally out of your hands. There is a master plan for all of us though. I think the 6 months it took was actually not so bad (hindsight is always 20/20) and the timing for when our baby boy will come is impeccable.
The much requested bump picture, here ya go ladies! 22 weeks and counting! |
My family and friends - I wouldn't trade 'em, any one of 'em for the world! They are my rock and constant. Although people come in and out of your life, my friends are lifers. I love all of you!
I love my family :) |
Craziest Group of Kids Ever.. Love them all! |
Our house - We've moved out of our terribly small condo and into an actual no sharing walls, yard bearing, 3 bedroom, more than 1 toilet (2.5 actually) amazing house. It even has a room that we're decorating for the baby... I'm in house love and I haven't felt that in a while.
This kitchen almost makes me want to learn how to cook, well maybe. |
My company keeps growing by leaps and bounds. I'm amazed every day at the awesome feedback I get from it. I've been steadily growing my
etsy shop and adding more and more shows each year. The ability to do this full time is definitely in the view... So excited!
Flowers, Flowers Everywhere! |
I truly believe 2013 is the year for us and I'm excited for everything that it will bring.
Come on 30 - Bring it on!